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Our boss is come from Boston American. If you can communicate with him, please come and work with us. 百分之百外師教學,招收小三到國一的學生,具有完整的教學制度與完善的課後輔導,收費一般,一週上課一次或二次,有心做出別於坊間連鎖的教學模式,單一外師用心經營,已在此學區經營近九年的時間
About Us Design came from Formosa-Design is beyond you can imagine! The competence and core competition we focused on are both at R&D and manufacture area to a principals and or innovative product. “The Principals” is to create a syndicate series product, exploring and abstracting the topic, exquisitely permeating into every energy of the unique product; you can find our creature for Taipei MRT series activities, Maokong gondola specialties and Formosa Landlocked Salmon the representive fish of the Shei-Pa national park propaganda etc. “The Innovatives”, not to speak of, is the only belief Formosa-Design relyed on all the time, all-round; all every cliché and or anachronism even we will keep them away from the loft. The years, Formosa-Design has been assured by many clients and competitors along with those professional customers’s taste and gets us growing thereby; we are always the first art, creatives and offer the best service every seconds; Of course, ODM is also available. Meanwhile, it’s absolutely waiting-worthy, you can find much more brand new ideas and articles from us for you, enjoy with us then!
優質的服務與合理的價格,獲得客戶業主的滿意與信任,是安潔事業努力的目標 With excellent service and reasonable price, you can trust in us.
Professional specialty From preconceive testing to complete project management, AnCert can design a testing program(Safety EMC EMI EMS GS BSMI CCC EK MIC PSE PSB SIRIM SABS SASO BEAB SII NOM IRAM D N S F Nordic GOST SAA C-Tick A-Tick RCM CE FCC VCCI S-Mark B-Mark CSA VDE WELS JQA JET SGS ...)。, for one or more products, that will help you get your product to market with a minimum of time and fuss. A Complete Service Conformance testing has three major components: safety, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), network integrity and network interoperability. AnCert can arrange to perform and co-ordinate testing in all these areas. For ITE products, radio products, Radio Frequency (RF) testing is also required and AnCert can arrange the necessary evaluations on your behalf. Evaluation and testing of most equipment performed to international specifications. Experience With over 6 years testing and consultancy experience in the Certification industry, AnCert has the expertise you can rely on to deliver cost effective results.
我們是個尊重個人專長以及潛能的團隊,尼爾國際致力於培養堅強的業務團隊陣容,特別希望網羅對於消費性產品以及美的產業有興趣者加入行列.我們傾聽客戶需求並配合時下潮流的行銷模式,幫業主量身訂做達到"雙贏"的行銷佳績.我們提供優渥的獎金制度等你來挑戰,我們需要「做人天真,做事認真,目標當真」的你一同加入充滿無限可能的團隊,Trust me ,you can make it!
公司簡介及所有工作機會 經營理念 求才公司介紹: 【產業類別】 教育服務業 【公司產業描述】 學校及文教機構 【 員 工 】 暫不提供 【 資本額 】 暫不提供 【人事聯絡人】 黎主任 【公司地址】 苗栗縣頭份鎮成功里13鄰7之2號(351) 【 電 話 】 分機233 【 傳 真 】 【公司網址】 http://www.chienkuokids.com/ 公司簡介: 建國幼稚園位於苗栗縣頭份鎮,鄰近新竹市,這裡的生活機能雖不如台北、台中、新竹,但卻是一個潛著許多資源的鄉鎮,如果您是一位有能力又認真負責的老師,您將會得到許多家長的肯定。建國是以孩子為主的學校,這裡有千餘坪的教育環境,提供老師發揮所長,開展另一個工作的高峰,只要老師願意學校願意提供場地、資源讓您全力衝刺,為孩子和您創造美好未來。附設英美師德補習班,我們將美語學習的歷程,透過系統化的一貫教育設計豐富的課程,在中、外師共同的引導與教學中,完成英語基礎的建構。 主要商品 / 服務項目: *學前教育、兒童美語、安親及專業課輔、九珠心算、KMI潛能激發、聯合報作文班與全民英檢初級專班。 *目前需求幼稚園教師、兒童美語教師、專業課輔教師、全民英檢教師,需有3年以上教學經驗,大專以上相關科系畢業者尤佳。 福利制度: 享勞、健保、三節獎金、提供研習機會。工作滿一年續約者有約滿獎金及員工旅遊,工作表現優異者考績可列為優等,年終外加獎勵金。 外縣市來此工作老師,學校協助找尋住宿地點。 應徵方式: 【職務聯絡人】 黎主任 【聯絡E-Mail】 [email protected] 【其他應徵方式及備註】 ●請先投遞履歷表,合格者會通知統一筆試時間,筆試內容: 一、班級經營與管理 二、教學準備與成效 三、親師溝通與互動 四、職場倫理與態度 五、團隊合作精神 應徵此職務建議讀本: 1.自慢:社長的成長學習筆記 作者:何飛鵬 出版社:商周出版 出版日期:2007年04月10日 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789861248479 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010358431#detail 2.好老師在這裡!一份教育現場的觀察紀錄 作者:林文虎 出版社:天衛文化 ISBN:9574901920 http://www.tienwei.com.tw/product/goods_detail.php?goods_id=478 3.動力老師萬歲!創造體制內的教育空間 作者:林文虎 出版社:天衛文化 ISBN:9574901920 http://www.tienwei.com.tw/product/goods_detail.php?goods_id=547 Thanks & Best Regards 建國(英美師德)教育機構 Chienkuo Education Institution You can,I can, so we can. 建國因為有妳.有我.所以「我們」一定行 You are the best, I am the best, so we are the best. 建國因為妳是最棒的.我是最棒的.所以「我們」是最棒的 http://www.chienkuokids.com/index.htm 351苗栗縣頭份鎮成功里13鄰7-2號 037-689115
我們是一群愛好音樂的工作者若是您也和我們一樣想挑戰高薪及高獎金歡迎您加入我們的行列!! TRUST ME YOU CAN DO IT!!
Billiards is no longer a means of communication between the few. the unique charm of billiards has made the lives of many people more fulfilling and has also added more happiness and excitement to their lives. Doctor Cheng International Inc. has specially selected exquisite, world renown, brand name billiard products and invested time and effort in planning - from design, development, to production - to bring you a series of related everyday goods. This is so that the billiards lover in you can express caring and thoughtfulness through billiards. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. help you send out your warm, caring thoughts and feelings. We sincerely hope to be of service to you. Due to your active participation, billiards will be represented in the 1998 Asian Olympics. Let Dr. Cheng International Inc. grow with you so that together, we may usher in the new era in billiards. Our growth can only happen with your support.
Omo咖啡蛋糕館 咖啡 蛋糕 吧檯 廚房 計時 正職 服務生 外場 內場 工讀生 ◆公司名稱 : Omo咖啡蛋糕館 ◆職缺分類 : (正職、工讀) ◆職缺名稱 :內外場服務生 ◆工作內容 :內外場服務收銀機使用電腦庫存操做能學會飲料調 製基礎吧檯進階吧檯. ◆徵求條件 :大方活潑、反應佳、口齒清晰、無經驗可 ◆需求人數 :5 ◆工作地點 :台北東區 敦化南路一段252巷5號 ◆工作時間 :早,午班 ◆休假制度 : 排休 (不禁休)(可早班或晚班 另外詳談) ◆勞/健保 :有 ◆公司福利 :團保,三節,年終,,勞健保 ◆薪資範圍 : 面議, ◆薪資發放日 :5號 ◆聯絡人:Michael 店經理 ◆聯絡時間 :10:30-20:00 ◆聯絡方式:02-87736063 ,0963029855 (聯繫我時,請一定要說是從網路廣告看到的) ◆其他備註 : 可學到咖啡知識和基礎咖啡店管理 其他條件: 徵求正職人員和工讀生.工作態度認真負責.肯學習以成為進階咖啡館人員為目標.每班工作時數約8到9小時 符合勞基法 You can learn the knowledge and experience of coffee in our company, not just learn professional knowledge from textbooks or school, we will teach you how to really cook coffee, well- grounded practical and step by step until you can work independently, Whether you are looking for an impassioned job or simply searching for espresso excellence, this job is for you.
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